
In Krunker, Clans are groups of players that join together in order to compete against each other. This can be either done through competing for rankings on the Krunker Hub leaderboard, or through Clan Wars.

The clan system was introduced to Krunker in v0.9.993.

Joining and Leaving a Clan[]

Once an account reaches level 10, it is able to request to join clans. Players must navigate to the Profile tab of the main menu and then the clans tab (underneath their username).


Players cannot join a clan whilst already in a clan. If the player is already in a clan, the clan tab is replaced by the player's clan's page.

To join a clan, the player must enter a valid clan name and wait for the clan's Commander to accept their join request.

Leave clan

To Leave a clan, Players must navigate to the Profiletab of the main menu and then the clans tab where they should click the Leave clan button on the top right of the page

Creating a Clan[]

Once a player reaches level 20, they can create a clan. Players must navigate to the Profile tab of the main menu and then the clans tab (underneath their username).


Players cannot create a clan while already in a clan. If the player is already in a clan, the clan tab is instead replaced by the player's clan's page.

To create a clan, the player must enter a valid clan name, up to 4 characters long, which is not already taken. Note: Clan names can contain special characters. Once a valid name is submitted, the player can click on the blue create button to create the clan.

Managing a Clan[]

Updated Clan Requests Page

Clan Join Requests Tab

Once a clan is created, the clan commander can manage the clan through the clan page found by navigating to the Profile tab of the main menu and then the clan page (underneath their username).

Using the clan page, the clan commander can accept join requests, kick members, promote members, and disband (delete) the clan. To accept or decline join requests to your clan head on over to your profile on krunker, then click on your clan name after that press on the requests tab and you will see all join requests. Simply press the green check mark to allow them into the clan and the red x to decline their request.

Clan Roles[]

Role Accept requests Promote members Kick members Withdraw from Clan Bank Assign Clan War contracts Max
Commander Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1
Captain No No No No Yes 5
Soldier No No No No No 25
Recruit No No No No No Infinite

All the Clan Members can deposit KR in the Clan Bank.

  • Commander: The leader of the clan. Has full control over the clan and its members. This role cannot be transferred to another player.
  • Captain: Soldiers, but they can assign Members to Clan Wars
  • Soldier: Members of the Clan who can be assigned to Clan Wars and contribute to the Clan's Level.
  • Recruit: Regular members of the clan who can participate in clan wars and have no extra permissions.

Clan Bank[]

Clan bank deposit

The Clan Bank is a centralized pool of KR the clan Commander has access to. The KR in the Clan Bank is provided through member donations (with a 10% deposit fee) or winning a region in Clan Wars.

The KR in the Clan Bank can be taken by only the Commander of the clan. The clan Commander has total control over the KR in the Clan Bank. The Commander can share it with clan members, use it for their personal needs or assign Clan War contracts to members.

Funds from winning a region in Clan Wars go to the Commander of the clan. They can deposit the KR and gift it to other players, save clan funds for future wars, or other needs.

The developers have also hinted upon clan upgrades in the future using the KR from the Clan Bank


Krunker Clan Teasers

In update v3.5.8, the developers have hinted at a broader system involving the clan bank. Here is a screenshot showing the upcoming features that the developers are testing.

Verified Clans (Legacy)[]

Verified clans was a legacy feature introduced in v1.5.1. In the past, clans which were recognized by the devs—whether that be through community contributions, winning the official weekly tournaments, or through other means—received a yellow clan tag as a symbol of 'verification'. These clans were also sometimes known as 'gold clans'. The feature was removed in v2.7.5 and was instead replaced by the Clan Wars reward system.

List of formerly verified clans:

  • 24/7
  • DEV
  • FaZe
  • g59
  • GLXY
  • JBP
  • KPOP
  • Lore
  • MMOK
  • nV
  • Omen
  • Oxic
  • PHIL
  • TIMP
  • Verb
  • VOID
  • ロリ幼女
  • FUZE

As of today, all these clans have been unverified and they now have a regular clan tag.

Although verified clans have been removed, there are a few clans with customs colors. The 3 clans with custom colors are: DEV, VIP and CMD. Each of those clans was created by a Krunker Developer; DEV by Sidney, VIP by Vince and CMD by Tehchy. DEV has a light blue color similar to verified symbol, VIP has a light green color and CMD a purple color.

Clan Wars (Legacy)[]

Clan Wars were another legacy feature introduced in Season 4 . In the past, clans which were recognized by the devs received a yellow clan tag as a symbol of 'verification'. The feature was removed in v2.7.5 and was instead replaced by the Clan Wars reward system. Clan wars were then discontinued at the launch of Season 5 and all clan colors apart from that of the DEV, VIP and CMD clan were deleted. Find more information about clan wars here.

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